My monitor showcase. It's usually more cluttered but I always clean up for guests. |
So I've spoken with friends and family who have read this blog and they've all commented that my theme is just a little too depressing. Not that hating your job is depressing or out of the ordinary. But the fact that there is little-to-no inspiration or any kind of good news really turns people off. And since I've always tried to turn people on, this constructive criticism really hit me. So from now on I will make a serious effort to quit whining about my job and try more to show the wonderful ideas to help get through your day at the office (or wherever you're holed up in). Because some things won't change. Does my job stink for someone like me? Yes. Will it get better? Probably not. Will it get worse? Most definitely. Can I still have fun? You betcha! Here's some photos of my own inspiration. I constantly draw simple doodles on Post-it notes and other scrap paper. Some of the better (or at least clearer) sketches I stick up on my monitor. Kind of like my own little pep squad letting me know I haven't lost myself completely in this tempest that (for the time being) provides a steady paycheck. I'll create some more posts very soon with some good ideas on creative ways to spend your time in the office. Let me know if this still doesn't turn you on.